lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

Key West

Key West

Every year on 10th July, at Key West in Florida, five hundred musicans put on diving divining suits and go into the water.
People in suits and dresses dance underwater too! It is impossible to make music underwater , of course, and the real music comes from CD`S on boast . This year, the selection of song includes Yellow Submarine by The Beatles!

Are slightly to the southwest and run for more than 200 km / 125 miles from the southern tip of Florida. The most important fish are Angel Fish, Butterfly Fish, Surgeons, Salpas, Haemulones, Yellowtail Snapper, Barracudas, Carangids, Goliath Mere, Sea Eagles and Turtles.
Also thanks to this festival married people can get married.the girls are dressed as if they were sirens and the men dressed in the suit of diver.

This is a video where they show a part of how the festival is celebrated

  • I like this festival because it is strange and amaging. aamazing

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