sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017


Halloween also known as “All Saints Eve” is a festival that is celebrated on October 31. It takes place in many western countries such as Spain, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Latin America, among others.

Based on the current tradition, people dress in disguises and tell horror stories, watch horror movies, go around haunted houses and have fancy-dress parties. Particularly, children and teenagers go from door to door asking for a “trick or treat”. If people give them sweets, money or any kind of reward, this means that they have accepted the treat. If not, they play a joke on them by throwing eggs or shaving foam on their doors! And they run away before they are caught!

Halloween has its origin in a Celtic festival known as Samhain, an old 
Irish word that refers to the end of the summer and harvest season. The ancient Britons had a similar holiday known as Calan Gaeaf.

The ancient Celts believed that the line that unites this world with 
the Other World was narrowed with the arrival of the Samhain, 
allowing the spirits (both benevolent and malevolent) to pass 
through. The family ancestors were invited and honored while the 
harmful spirits were removed. It is believed that the wearing of 
costumes and masks is due to the need to drive away the evil spirits.

The idea was to take on the appearance of an evil spirit to pass unnoticed and avoid being harmed.

Another usual practice is divination, which often involves eating and drinking, and even in some countries, such as Mexico, banquets are held in cemeteries to honour their ancestors.

I have chosen this festival because I love wearing disguises and it reminds me of my childhood, but, most of all, because it is really funny!!!

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