domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2017


Between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean 1200 years ago starts the hunting of whales and dolphins, in the Feroe Islands.

This festival is call Grindadráp in wich kills more than a thousand whales and dolphins. It starts on the midle of the sea where men go in boats to guide this animals to the bay. Here they will be caught with a hook in the nose and kill in a very cruel way.
Resultado de imagen para grindadráp

The people of the Feroe Islands killed more of 265.000 cetaceans . However some people and associations try to curb the slaughter of these animals although it is not very easy to end with a ritual of so long ago. To defend the people here said they will eat the meat of the animals but it's a lie.
Imagen relacionada

The Feroe Islands are a small archipelago in the North Atlantic ocean, betweeen Scotland, Norway and Iceland. Less than 50.000 people live here. For them this festival is considered the most important of the year. For the many tourist who have this place this celebration is awful and so many try to finish it in recent years the killing under and done in specific places so people  avoid seeing this.


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